Sunday 12 April 2020

Warm Bread Pudding

This is an easy warm dessert. It was on a Friday morning when I returned from a BBQ night with friends and we decided to stay over until sunrise and I realize that I did not make anything for my cousins for the lunch dessert. I had to quickly find a dessert that I could prepare in less than an hour and which did not require to be kept in the fridge to set. Umm Ali is definitely the first thing that comes to mind but that needs 2 steps of baking and I had already made it for them couple of weeks ago. So, I had some left over bread, milk, egg and some milk mixture from tres leches. That was it and I made this pudding.
Bread slices cut into cubes 6 slices
Eggs 4
Tres Leches Milk (in the method) 3 cups
o Evaporated milk           1 tin
o Milk                         2 cups
o Condensed milk           ½ - 1 tin as per taste
Vanilla Essence         1 tsp
Nutmeg powder         ½ tsp
Cinnamon Powder         1 tsp
1. Preheat the oven for 10 – 15 mins at 180 C.
2. In a bowl, mix evaporated milk, milk, condensed milk, vanilla essence, nutmeg powder, cinnamon powder and mix well and keep aside.
3. In another bowl, whisk the eggs and add in the milk mixture into it.
4. In a greased pan layer the bread cubes and pour the milk mixture over.
5. Bake it for 30 – 45 minutes or until done.
6. Let it cool for 1 hour before serving.

Salted Caramel:
Soft brown sugar                            100 gms
KDD Thick Cream                         150 ml
Unsalted Butter                              25 gms
Salt                                                 1/4 tsp

1. Heat a sauce pan and add all the ingredients and mix until the sugar is dissolved.
2. Boil this and keep mixing until thick.
3. Off the flame and cool for sometime.

Cut the pudding and serve with salted caramel and vanilla ice cream. Enjoy the warm pudding with some cold ice cream.

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