Monday 6 April 2020

Nutella Brownie.. 100th Post!

This is my 6th year of being a blogger! But let me call myself a very very lazy blogger! :D I have around 50 posts in draft to publish and that exactly is the reason why my 100th post it after 6 years hehe!! So since am trying to be religious about blogging and my friends are helping me pushing through asking for recipes, lets celebrate this 100th post with a delicious brownie recipe! There you go!
Nutella                                                                         1.5 cups
Unsalted Butter                                                           100 gms
Cocoa Powder                                                             3 tbsp
White/brown sugar                                                     3/4 cup
Vanilla Essence                                                          1 tsp
Eggs                                                                            3
Flour                                                                           3/4 cup
Salt                                                                             1/4 tsp
Semi sweet chocolate chips                                       1/4 cup

1. Preheat the oven at 180⁰C for about 10 mins.
2. In a large bowl, beat nutella and add melted butter.
3. Once it is completely mixed, add sugar into it.
4. Mix this well with a wire whisk. Add cocoa powder and vanilla essence and mix again.
5. Now add eggs one by one and keep mixing.
6. Add the flour and mix until incorporated.
7. Add salt and chocolate chips and mix and our batter is ready.
8. Pour the batter into a pan and add 1 tsp of nutella randomly on the batter.
9. keep this in the middle rack of the oven and bake for about 25 - 30 mins until a toothpick inserted comes out with clean or with little moist crumps.

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