Friday 4 July 2014

Umm Ali.....!!!

One of the beautiful and delicious dessert i have ever had..... This is indeed a rich dessert and so i rarely make it at home.... At first like everyone might have, even I had the doubt that how did this dessert got named as Umm Ali? Umm Ali is a traditional Egyptian dessert.There is a story behind it....

Om Ali was the wife of a ruler from the Ayyubid dynasty in Egypt calles Ezz El Din Aybek. Her rival Shagaret El Dorr was the second wife of that ruler. After his death, Shagaret El Dorr arranged for Om Ali to be murdered and to celebrate, she requested from her cooks to come up with the most delicious dessert they can think of to distribute to throughout Egypt. The successful recipe was a special pastry with milk and honey. That was named Om Ali. And this is what we call now as "Umm Ali".....
Preparation Time : 20 mins
Baking Time : 20 mins
Serves : 6 - 8

Puff Pastry
½ l
Puck Cream
1 tin
Condensed Milk
1 tin
Cinnamon Powder
1 tsp
Desiccated Coconut
¼ cup
½ cup

1. Preheat the oven for 10 mins at 200⁰C.
2. Now bake the puff pastry for 20 mins at 180⁰C until puffed and crispy.
3. Mean while, combine milk,puck cream,condensed milk,butter and cinnamon powder in a vessel and bring it to boil.
4. Once both are done. Grease a pan and layer the puff and pour the milk mixture above it.
5. Throw the nuts and desiccated coconut above that.
6. Bake this for 20 - 25 mins at 180⁰C.
7. U can serve it warm or cold, it tastes delicious either ways :) :) 

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