Saturday 11 April 2020

Pistachio Tres Leches/Milk Cake

Milk cakes have been trending a while for now. I have tried quite a good number of flavors. Out of all, this is the best of the best. My friends and family loves this and gobbles every time I made this. One tip is not to use pistachio essence at all. Here you go!
Eggs                                        4
Flour                                       1 cup
Corn Flour                              2 tbsp
Sugar                                      3/4 cup
Baking Powder                       ½ tsp
Pistachio                                 1 cup
Water                                      3 tbsp
Green color (optional)            1 drop

Evaporated milk                    1 tin of 410 ml
Milk                                       1 cups
Condensed Milk                    3/4 tin

Whipping Powder                  2 sachets
Milk                                       1/2 cup
1. Soak the pistachios for 10 mins.
2. Preheat the oven for 10 minutes at 160 degree C.
3. In a mixer or bowl beat the eggs with 3/4 cup of sugar until fluffy. This must be the consistency of eggs for sponge cake which is if you take out the beater with little batter and right an 8 on the rest of the batter, the number will stay for few seconds. This is how I understand its ready.
4. Sift the flour, corn flour and baking powder.
5. Add this into the egg mixture and fold until whole batter is mixed well.
6. Prepare the pistachio paste and add 3 tbsp of paste to the mixture.
7. Add 1 drop of green color as well and mix.
8. Bake this for about 30 minutes or until a tooth pick inserted comes out clean.
9. Once the cake is baked, cool it for sometime.
10. Meanwhile, prepare the milk mixture. Add the evaporated milk, condensed milk and milk in a bowl. Mix this well and add 3 tbsp pistachio paste and 1 drop of green color. Mix well and keep refrigerated.
11. Once the cake is cooled, prick it all over with a fork.
12. Keep around 2 cups of milk aside and pour rest of it on the cake.
13. Keep for 5 mins and beat whipping cream and spread it over as you wish.
14. Keep this closed and cool for at least 4 hours before serving. I kept it overnight and came out well.
Enjoy the yummiest Pistachio Tres Leches :)

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