Saturday 14 June 2014

French Macarons......!!!

I have always been waiting to bake these awesome cookies.... They taste just as awesome as they look..... This was my first trial and I was really excited to see the shell and foot forming well.... This indeed is a very easy cookies but requires your full attention... The measurements must all be in grams and no volume measurements.... The more perfect you be in measuring the more perfect will be your macaroons.... Here I have tried the basic French Macaroons with chocolate ganache... You can try in different flavors as well.... Soon I will be uploading the other flavors as well... :) Well.... Why don't we try to know more about French Macaroons and how did they come out??

The Macaron cookie was born in Italy, introduced by the chef of Catherine de Medicis in 1533 at the time of her marriage. The term "macaron" has the same origin as that the word "macaroni" - both means "fine dough"..

The first macaron were simple cookies made of almond powder, sugar and egg whites. Many towns throughout France have their own prized tale surrounding this delicacy. 

Now here we go with recipe.... The measurements I have given here is according to what I made.. It may depend according to your egg white measurements....

Preparation Time : 15 - 20 mins
Baking Time : 10 - 15 mins
Makes : 10 pcs


Almond Powder
56 gm
Egg whites (aged for 2 days)
56 gm
Icing Sugar
110 gm
Granulated Sugar
45 gm
Cooking Chocolate
50 gm
50 gm


1. Separate the egg whites and cover and keep in fridge for 2-5 days. This process is aging of eggs.
2. Grind both almond powder and icing sugar together and sieve them.
3. In a bowl slowly start beating the egg whites. Gradually add in the granulated sugar and keep beating.
4. Beat it until stiff and shiny peaks appears.
5. Now add the almond powder and icing sugar mixture to this.
6. Fold in with a spatula. It took around 47-48 strokes for me to get it mixed.
7. Layer the baking pan with baking sheet.
8. Fill in the pastry bag with the batter. The nozzle of the bag should be plain tip for around 1 inch round.
9. Pipe about 1 inch rounds onto the baking paper.
10. Gently tap the pan over the kitchen desk to avoid air bubbles.
11. Keep this aside for about 20 minutes to get dried. Once a shell coating appears on the rounds, then its ready for baking.
12. Preheat the oven for 20 minutes at 145°C.
13. Now bake the cookies for about 10 - 15 minutes at 145°C.
14. Once the foot has formed, the cookies are perfect..
15. Slowly try to take out each shell out of the sheet to see whether they are done.
16. Let it cool completely before the filling has to be done.

1. In a pan, bring the cream to boil.
2. Pour this on to the chocolate and mix well.
3. Let it cool and keep this refrigerated.
4. Once the cookies have cooled completely you can start filling them with ganache.
5. The lovely and delicious macaroons are ready to enjoooooooooooooooooyyy!!!! :) :) :)

Tips & Tricks:

1. Egg white has to be kept minimum of 24 hours in your kitchen desk or refrigerated for 2-5 days.
2. Bring the egg white to room temperature before starting to prepare.
3. The almond powder and icing sugar mixture has to be sieved well before adding into egg.
4. Be very careful with MEASUREMENTS... use a kitchen weighing scale....
5. Start baking only once the shell has been completely formed. 

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