Tuesday 6 October 2015


Pancakes are the easiest breakfast item to prepare... They are sweet and filling as well... You can prepare the batter a day before preparing the pancakes and store in the ref or even you can cook the pancakes, cover and store. Reheat and use the nest day. Any how I like to prepare both batter and pancakes the time I serve it. The recipe of pancake syrup has also been added to this post.
Flour                                                   1 cup
Egg                                                     1
Baking powder                                   1 1/2 tsp
Butter(melted)                                    2 tbsp
Milk                                                    1 cup
Sugar                                                   1 tsp
Salt                                                      1/4 tsp

For Syrup:
Brown sugar                                        1 cup
White sugar                                         1 cup
Corn syrup                                           1/2 cup
Water                                                   1 cup
Vanilla Essence                                   1 tsp
1. In a bowl combine all dry ingredients, flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.
2. In another bowl slightly beat the egg. Add milk and melted butter into this.
3. Now combine both dry and wet ingredients and mix to get a smooth batter.
4. Grease a small pan and pour about 2-3 tbsp of batter.
5. Cook one side until you see bubbles on the upper side and when they starts to break, flip and cook the other side.
6. Cook all the pancakes until the whole batter has finished.

1. In a small saucepan, combine brown sugar, white sugar, water, corn syrup and vanilla essence.
2. Keep this on medium heat until boil.
3. Let it cool. You can transfer this into a bottle and store in the ref for as many days as required.
4. Pour the syrup over the hot pancakes and enjoy :) :)

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